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What to Bring

An up to date doctor's referral letter


Any medical letters or reports.

For example: imaging or blood test reports, operation notes and medication lists.


Medical imaging films or a CD

Reviewing previous imaging is an important part of your care. Whilst previous imaging can often be accessed online, it is best to bring physical films or CD's if you have them.

Eg. ultrasounds, xrays, CT scans


Medicare Card & payment (credit card or cash)

If applicable, please bring your Pensioner Concession Card , Health Care Card, Veteran's Affairs card or Work Cover details.


Private Health Fund membership details.

Private Health Funds usually do not pay for outpatient specialist consultations, however they may cover much of the expense incurred as a patient in hospital, for example having surgery.  Policies vary enormously.  You should check with your Health Fund to confirm what is covered.


A support person.

Having another person present to help ask questions or remember aspects of the consultation can be invaluable.


Copyright Sarah Birks 2019

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